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Services: Local MovingLong DistanceStoragePackingOffice Moves
Shannon Moving & Storage
Shannon Moving & Storage


Moving Checklst

Helpful Hints for your Move

1-2 Months Before Moving

    • Create a moving binder or folder to keep track of documents, receipts, and notes.
    • Research moving companies or rental trucks and get quotes.
    • Declutter and donate or sell items you no longer need.
    • Notify your landlord (if renting) and arrange for any necessary inspections.
    • Notify your children’s school and arrange for their records to be transferred.
    • Start collecting boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and other packing materials.
    • Begin packing non-essential items.

3-4 Weeks Before Moving

    • Confirm moving date and details with your chosen moving company or rental truck.
    • Change your address with the post office, banks, credit card companies, and subscriptions.
    • Transfer or cancel utilities at your current home and set up utilities at your new home.
    • Pack an essentials box with items you’ll need immediately at your new place.
    • Arrange for childcare or pet care on moving day if needed.
    • Start packing items you use less frequently.

1-2 Weeks Before Moving

    • Finish packing, labeling boxes, and preparing furniture for moving.
    • Confirm details with your moving company or rental truck.
    • Set aside important documents, valuables, and medications to carry with you.
    • Clean your current home and make any necessary repairs.
    • Defrost and clean your refrigerator and freezer.
    • Confirm details with your new landlord or real estate agent.

1 Day Before Moving

    • Pack a bag with clothes, toiletries, and essentials for the first few days at your new place.
    • Confirm moving day logistics with your moving company or helpers.
    • Get plenty of rest to prepare for moving day.

Moving Day

    • Double-check each room and storage area to ensure nothing is left behind.
    • Supervise the movers or assist friends and family with loading and unloading.
    • Take inventory of your belongings as they are loaded onto the truck.
    • Clean and lock up your old home.
    • Arrive at your new home before the movers to ensure everything is in order.
    • Direct movers on where to place furniture and boxes in your new home.
    • Inspect your belongings as they are unloaded to ensure nothing is damaged or missing.

After Moving

    • Unpack essentials and set up necessary items like beds, toiletries, and kitchen supplies.
    • Update your driver’s license, vehicle registration, and voter registration with your new address.
    • Explore your new neighborhood and locate essential services like grocery stores, pharmacies, and healthcare providers.
    • Register children at their new school if you haven’t already.
    • Dispose of packing materials and boxes responsibly.
    • Take some time to relax and settle into your new home!